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Gruntwork release 2019-02

Guides / Update Guides / Releases / 2019-02

This page is lists all the updates to the Gruntwork Infrastructure as Code Library that were released in 2019-02. For instructions on how to use these updates in your code, check out the updating documentation.

Here are the repos that were updated:



Published: 2/14/2019 | Release notes gruntkms will now write errors to stderr instead of stdout.



Published: 2/21/2019 | Modules affected: server-group | Release notes



Published: 2/24/2019 | Modules affected: terraform-helpers | Release notes



Published: 2/20/2019 | Modules affected: ecs-cluster | Release notes

  • ecs-cluster

  • Fix bug in where it wouldn't do the proper rollout for clusters bigger than 10 instances.

  • #118


Published: 2/20/2019 | Modules affected: ecs-cluster | Release notes

  • ecs-cluster

  • The ecs-cluster module now exposes setting its launch configuration using the output: ecs_cluster_launch_configuration_id. This allows subscribing to changes in the launch configuration to automatically rollout cluster changes




Published: 2/20/2019 | Modules affected: lambda | Release notes

  • lambda

  • This release introduces support for lambda layers in the lambda functions created by the lambda module.

@josh-taylor for the contribution



Published: 2/22/2019 | Modules affected: alb | Release notes



Published: 2/7/2019 | Modules affected: alb-alarms | Release notes

  • Fix errors in the new connection count and low request count alarms to remove the "client-tls-negotiation-error" portion that was accidentally copy/pasted into them.


Published: 2/4/2019 | Modules affected: alarms/alb-alarms, alarms/alb-target-group-alarms, alarms/rds-alarms | Release notes

  • The alarms in alb-alarms, alb-target-group-alarms, and rds-alarms now support directly setting the datapoints_to_alarm setting. You can read more about datapoints_to_alarm in the official AWS documentation.

Special thanks to @ksemaev for these contributions.



Published: 2/20/2019 | Modules affected: gruntsam | Release notes

  • This release adds support for lambda Layers in the gruntsam utility. Refer to the README for more information.



Published: 2/18/2019 | Modules affected: fail2ban, os-hardening | Release notes

  • Update the fail2ban module so it works properly on Amazon Linux 2. We've also updated how we install it on Ubuntu (using pip to install aws instead of apt) and changed the jail files a bit to take advantage of fail2ban interpolation
  • Update the ami-builder in os-hardening to support a new parallel_build param that lets you control whether the builds run in parallel. It's set to true true by default, as before, but you may need to disable it for use with nvme.
  • Call udevadm settle in the partition-volume script to ensure all symlinks are in place before going on to subsequent steps (e.g., formatting).


Published: 2/11/2019 | Modules affected: iam-groups | Release notes

  • iam-groups module now creates an additional IAM group that has the iam-user-self-mgmt IAM policy already attached to make it easier to associate the rules of that policy to an IAM user via the group.



Published: 2/20/2019 | Modules affected: persistent-ebs-volume | Release notes

  • persistent-ebs-volume

This release introduces automated tests for the nvme features of the mount-ebs-volume and unmount-ebs-volume scripts. Refer to the new section in the module documentation for how to use the scripts with nvme block devices: How do you use this on Nitro based instances?



Published: 2/12/2019 | Modules affected: s3-cloudfront | Release notes



Published: 2/6/2019 | Modules affected: k8s-service-account, k8s-namespace-roles | Release notes

  • This release adds another set of permissions to the rbac_tiller_resource_access role that allows Tiller to manage PodDisruptionBudgets.
  • In the k8s-tiller-minikube example, sometimes the Tiller undeploy fails because it removes the service account role before undeploy, stripping the Tiller pod of its ability to nuke itself. This fixes that by adding a depends_on to the service account output so that we delete the role binding when all resources referencing the service acocunt is deleted.


Published: 2/5/2019 | Modules affected: k8s-namespace, k8s-namespace-roles | Release notes

  • We broke out the role creation pieces of k8s-namespace into its own submodule, k8s-namespace-roles. This allows you to create the same roles on a preexisting namespace (e.g default or kube-system).


Published: 2/5/2019 | Modules affected: k8s-namespace | Release notes

This introduces an example terraform module that deploys Tiller using kubergrunt. This example shows how to setup a Namespace and ServiceAccount for Tiller as well. See the example quickstart guide for an example of how you can combine the modules in this repo with kubergrunt to deploy a best practices Tiller instance.

Other changes:

  • k8s-namespace now exports additional roles: namespace-tiller-metadata-access for minimal permissions to Tiller to be able to manage its Secrets and namespace-tiller-resource-access for minimal permissions to deploy resources from helm charts into a target namespace.


Published: 2/2/2019 | Modules affected: k8s-namespace, k8s-service-account | Release notes

  • k8s-namespace and k8s-service-account now implement the input variable dependencies that can be used to specify module dependencies.
  • k8s-service-account now also requires RBAC role namespaces to be included when binding rbac roles. This is to allow binding roles that are not in the same namespace as the created ServiceAccount. As a result, the rbac_roles input variable is now a list of maps containing the keys name and namespace.