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Gruntwork release 2019-07

Guides / Update Guides / Releases / 2019-07

This page is lists all the updates to the Gruntwork Infrastructure as Code Library that were released in 2019-07. For instructions on how to use these updates in your code, check out the updating documentation.

Here are the repos that were updated:



Published: 7/8/2019 | Release notes



Published: 7/11/2019 | Modules affected: server-group | Release notes

  • There is a timing bug with IAM role and instance profile creation that causes the initial terraform apply to fail for code using the server-group module. This release addresses that by adding a sleep to wait for IAM resource propagation after creation.


Published: 7/2/2019 | Modules affected: server-group, asg-rolling-deploy | Release notes

All the module variables have been updated to use concrete types based on the new type system introduced in terraform 0.12.0. You can learn more about the types in the official documentation.

Note that as part of this, we switched to using null to indicate unset values when passing them through to resources. If you were previously using a 0 value ("" for strings and 0 for numbers), review the module file to double check if the 0 value has been converted to a null.



Published: 7/3/2019 | Modules affected: app-version, configuration-deployer, elasticbeanstalk-application, elasticbeanstalk-environment | Release notes

All the modules are now terraform 0.12.0 compatible. Note that this means the modules are no longer compatible with terraform 0.11 and under. Starting this release, you must use terraform 0.12.0 or greater to use this module.

All the module variables have been updated to use concrete types based on the new type system introduced in terraform 0.12.0. You can learn more about the types in the official documentation.

Note that as part of this, we switched to using null to indicate unset values when passing them through to resources. If you were previously using a 0 value ("" for strings and 0 for numbers), review the module file to double check if the 0 value has been converted to a null.



Published: 7/27/2019 | Modules affected: terraform-helpers | Release notes

This release updates terraform-helpers/terraform-update-variable for better terraform 0.12 and terragrunt 0.19 compatibility. Here are the changes:

  • The vars file that it searches for by default is now terragrunt.hcl instead of terraform.tfvars.
  • The vars file argument is now --vars-path, as opposed to --tfvars-file.
  • The quoting rules have changed to support more complex types. Now, instead of auto injecting quotes, it will inject the value literally. E.g if you pass in terraform-update-variable --name "foo" --value "9", this will inject the string foo = 9 instead of foo = "9". If you want the old behavior, you will need to pass in the value quoted: terraform-update-variable --name "foo" --value "\"9\""
  • The resulting file will now be passed through terraform fmt so that it is formatted.


Published: 7/27/2019 | Modules affected: jenkins-server | Release notes

Fixes a bug where var.allow_incoming_http_from_security_group_ids was not creating the required security group rules due to a regression from upgrading module-load-balancer/alb, which required explicitly specifying the number of security group IDs being passed in.


Published: 7/11/2019 | Modules affected: kubernetes-circleci-helpers, jenkins-server | Release notes

  • This release fixes a regression in the setup-minikube script in the kubernetes-circleci-helpers module, caused by the removal of the specific docker version we depended on from the ubuntu apt caches.
  • The install-jenkins module is now verified to work with Ubuntu 18.04.
  • The jenkins-server module is now using v0.8.1 of module-asg/modules/server-group, which includes a fix for IAM timing issues.



Published: 7/25/2019 | Modules affected: rds | Release notes

  • If the allow_connections_from_cidr_blocks argument of the rds module is empty, no security group rule will be created at all now. This makes CIDR based rules completely optional.



Published: 7/18/2019 | Modules affected: ecs-fargate | Release notes

  • Fixes a bug where the health_check_timeout variable was not used for setting the timeout to LB target group health check.



Published: 7/1/2019 | Modules affected: eks-vpc-tags, eks-k8s-role-mapping, eks-k8s-external-dns, eks-k8s-external-dns-iam-policy | Release notes

All the modules are now terraform 0.12.0 compatible. Note that this means the modules are no longer compatible with terraform 0.11 and under. Starting this release, you must use terraform 0.12.0 or greater to use this module.

All the module variables have been updated to use concrete types based on the new type system introduced in terraform 0.12.0. You can learn more about the types in the official documentation.

Note that as part of this, we switched to using null to indicate unset values when passing them through to resources. If you were previously using a 0 value ("" for strings and 0 for numbers), review the module file to double check if the 0 value has been converted to a null.



Published: 7/2/2019 | Modules affected: mongodb-cluster, mongodb-backup | Release notes

All the modules are now terraform 0.12.0 compatible. Note that this means the modules are no longer compatible with terraform 0.11 and under. Starting this release, you must use terraform 0.12.0 or greater to use this module.

All the module variables have been updated to use concrete types based on the new type system introduced in terraform 0.12.0. You can learn more about the types in the official documentation.

Note that as part of this, we switched to using null to indicate unset values when passing them through to resources. If you were previously using a 0 value ("" for strings and 0 for numbers), review the module file to double check if the 0 value has been converted to a null.



Published: 7/9/2019 | Modules affected: alarms/elasticsearch-alarms | Release notes

  • You can now disable yellow cluster status alarms for Elasticsearch by setting var.disable_status_yellow_alarm to true.


Published: 7/9/2019 | Modules affected: alarms/elasticsearch-alarms | Release notes

  • You can now disable yellow cluster status alarms for Elasticsearch by setting var.disable_status_yellow_alarm to true.



Published: 7/26/2019 | Modules affected: openvpn-server | Release notes

  • Make GP2 the default root volume type to match what is created in the console



Published: 7/6/2019 | Modules affected: No changes to underlying modules. | Release notes

Starting this release, all the modules are tested and verified to work with Ubuntu 18.04.



Published: 7/11/2019 | Modules affected: persistent-ebs-volume | Release notes

  • Fix mount-ebs-volume so it works properly on Amazon Linux.


Published: 7/3/2019 | Release notes

Starting this release, all the scripts are now tested and verified to work with Ubuntu 18.04. No change has been made to the scripts themselves.



Published: 7/24/2019 | Modules affected: s3-cloudfront | Release notes

  • Add support for Lambda @ Edge by allowing you to associate lambda functions to the cloudfront distribution. This can be done by passing in the new var.default_lambda_associations list.


Published: 7/17/2019 | Modules affected: s3-cloudfront | Release notes

  • Fixes a bug where the IAM certs were not being properly used in s3-cloudfront.
  • Fixes a perpetual diff caused when specifying both IAM or ACM certs and default certs.


Published: 7/12/2019 | Modules affected: s3-cloudfront | Release notes

  • s3-cloudfront

  • The s3-cloudfront module now supports the use of an Origin Group for the ability to failover automatically in the event your primary bucket is not accessible

  • #22


Published: 7/8/2019 | Release notes

Modules affected


Description All the modules are now terraform 0.12.0 compatible. Note that this means the modules are no longer compatible with terraform 0.11 and under. Starting this release, you must use terraform 0.12.0 or greater to use this module.

All the module variables have been updated to use concrete types based on the new type system introduced in terraform 0.12.0. You can learn more about the types in the official documentation.

Note that as part of this, we switched to using null to indicate unset values when passing them through to resources. If you were previously using a 0 value ("" for strings and 0 for numbers), review the module file to double check if the 0 value has been converted to a null.

Related links



Published: 7/22/2019 | Modules affected: vpc-mgmt, vpc-app | Release notes

  • Fix a bug where the availability_zones outputs of vpc-app and vpc-mgmt had an extra layer of nesting, so you ended up with a list of lists, rather than a single, flat list.



Published: 7/26/2019 | Modules affected: No changes to underlying modules | Release notes

  • Improve testing: test latest version of kubergrunt and update setup-minikube script for CI.
  • Fix typo in root example where the helm client TLS public certificate was not being returned.