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Refactoring common configurations for a component

The rest of this guide will cover how to identify and extract the common configurations for a single arbitrary component in your Reference Architecture. These steps can be used to refactor any component that is deployed in multiple accounts or environments in your Reference Architecture.

Step 1: Identify the component

The first step is to decide which component you would like to refactor. A component in this context is a single Terraform module that is deployed by Terragrunt.

Once you identify the component that you want to update, take an inventory of the list of Terragrunt configurations that deploy that component across your environments. We will use this inventory to identify the common configuration across all the deployments.

Example inventory:

  • vpc

    • dev/us-west-2/dev/networking/vpc
    • stage/us-west-2/stage/networking/vpc
    • prod/us-west-2/prod/networking/vpc
  • openvpn-server

    • dev/us-west-2/dev/networking/openvpn-server
    • stage/us-west-2/stage/networking/openvpn-server
    • prod/us-west-2/prod/networking/openvpn-server
  • ecs-deploy-runner

    • dev/us-west-2/mgmt/ecs-deploy-runner
    • stage/us-west-2/mgmt/ecs-deploy-runner
    • prod/us-west-2/mgmt/ecs-deploy-runner
    • shared/us-west-2/mgmt/ecs-deploy-runner
    • logs/us-west-2/mgmt/ecs-deploy-runner
    • security/us-west-2/mgmt/ecs-deploy-runner

As mentioned in the Background, the changes will be isolated to Terragrunt configuration files (syntactic changes vs semantic changes) and there will be no need to roll out the changes using terraform. Given that, the order in which the components are updated does not matter. You can update the components in whatever order you would like.

Step 2: Identify common configurations

Once you know which component is being updated and which Terragrunt configuration files deploy that component, the next step is to identify the common configuration across the deployments. To do this, we will run through a diff utility to compare each configuration against a single reference configuration.

The reason we only need to run the diff utility against a single reference point is because we are only looking for configurations that are common across ALL environments. Therefore, a difference in a single comparison is enough to rule out that configuration as a common config.

Start off by choosing a reference config and generating an initial set of candidate common configurations. This reference point will be used to create a starting point for the list of blocks and attributes that can be common across all deployments of the component. As we compare with each other configuration, we will find the blocks and attributes that are different across the environments, and hence cross off from the list so that we end up with the list of blocks and attributes that are common across ALL environments.

To construct this initial list, follow these steps:

  1. Choose one of the Terragrunt configurations as your reference point. This can be arbitrary, but we recommend using dev as the reference point.

  2. Note all the top level blocks and attributes in the reference configuration, except for the include block. Terragrunt currently doesn’t support nested include blocks, so we can’t have the include block in the common file (note that this list will ultimately be the list of blocks and attributes that go in the common file).

  3. Next, note all the top level keys in the inputs attribute in the reference configuration. inputs need special treatment because it will contain a mix of items that are common and different across environments, so to maximize the DRY potential, we need to look at each input element separately.

    • In the same example file, the list would be:

      • vpc_name
      • num_nat_gateways
      • cidr_block
      • kms_key_user_iam_arns
      • eks_cluster_names
      • tag_for_use_with_eks

Once you have the candidate configurations, you will want to run through a diff utility to cross off any that are identified as different across environments.

There are a couple ways to go about this depending on how complex the underlying configuration files are, and how much customization has been made since the deployment of the Reference Architecture.

Using diff to identify raw differences

If you haven’t made many modifications to the component since the Reference Architecture was deployed, we recommend using diff to identify the differences. For each other Terragrunt configuration, run through diff against the reference point to identify differences.

For example, if we were updating the vpc component, we can choose dev/us-west-2/dev/networking/vpc as the reference point and run the diff utility between it and the other environments:

diff dev/us-west-2/dev/networking/vpc stage/us-west-2/stage/networking/vpc diff dev/us-west-2/dev/networking/vpc prod/us-west-2/prod/networking/vpc

Once you have the diff, cross off any blocks, attributes, and input keys from the initial list that are different based on the output, except for locals. locals blocks are not inherited across the include chain, so it is hard to keep track of which locals will be necessary in the parent and child configurations. Therefore, always copy over all locals. We will use a different heuristic to cull down the locals to only those that are in use.

Note that you should mark off the block/attribute if any sub block or nested attribute is different. Pay careful attention to nested attributes, as the diff may only show differences at a sub level.

Using JSON rendering to identify semantic differences

If you have made many changes to the component since the Reference Architecture deployment, there is a strong chance that you will have many non-semantic syntactic differences across the environments. For example, you may have extra whitespace, or comments that make the diff output harder to parse. In this case, using diff is counter productive to identifying the common configuration across the environments. Instead, you want to use the JSON rendering of the Terragrunt configuration and semantically compare the JSON outputs.

  1. Install hcl2json and jd. hcl2json will be used to convert the Terragrunt configurations to json, and jd will be used to create a semantic diff between the two.

  2. For each Terragrunt configuration, convert the terragrunt.hcl file to json using hcl2json:

    • hcl2json dev/us-west-2/dev/networking/vpc/terragrunt.hcl > dev/us-west-2/dev/networking/vpc/terragrunt.hcl.json
  3. For Terragrunt configuration, run through jd against the reference point to identify differences in the json file.

    • jd -set dev/us-west-2/dev/networking/vpc/terragrunt.hcl.json stage/us-west-2/stage/networking/vpc/terragrunt.hcl.json

We use -set mode to make it easier to understand which blocks and attributes are different. In set mode, jd will output each diff in the following format:



Each element in the list after @ indicates the index to the item that is different. For example, in the following, the first diff represents a difference in the Title attribute of the movie object that is in the 67th position of the Movies list:

@ ["Movies",67,"Title"]

  • "Dr. Strangelove"
  • "Dr. Evil Love" @ ["Movies",67,"Actors","Dr. Strangelove"]
  • "Peter Sellers"
  • "Mike Myers" @ ["Movies",102]
  • {"Title":"Austin Powers","Actors":{"Austin Powers":"Mike Myers"}}

Like with diff, cross off any blocks, attributes, and input keys from the initial list that are different based on the output, except for locals. In the jd output, this would be the first element in each @ entry, or the second element of each @ list that has input as the first element.

Step 3: Extract common configurations

Once you have identified the list of common blocks, attributes, and input keys, the next step is to create a common Terragrunt configuration that includes these values.

  1. Create a new file to house the common configuration. This should be placed somewhere that can be easily linked to from the root of the repository. We recommend using the following folder structure:

    . ├── terragrunt.hcl └── _envcommon └── CATEGORY └── RESOURCE.hcl

    Where the common configuration files are placed in _envcommon/CATEGORY/RESOURCE.hcl. CATEGORY and RESOURCE should mimic the base folder structure of the Reference Architecture:

    . └── ACCOUNT ├── REGION │ ├── ENVIRONMENT │ │ └── CATEGORY │ │ └── RESOURCE │ └── _regional │ └── RESOURCE └── _global └── RESOURCE

    For example, for the vpc component, the CATEGORY will be networking, and the RESOURCE will be vpc, resulting in a common configuration file located at _envcommon/networking/vpc.hcl.

  2. Once you have the common configuration, copy over all the blocks, attributes, and input keys that you identified as common in Step 2: Identify common configurations from the reference configuration into the common configuration. You should also copy any relevant comment blocks as well so you can keep the comment references. Be sure to copy over the locals block as well.

  3. Update all relative paths to use ${get_terragrunt_dir()}. This ensures that the relative paths would still be based off of the original child configuration path, and not the new path where the common configuration is located. For example, if you had the following dependency block:

    dependency "vpc" {
    config_path = "../../networking/vpc"

    Prepend ${get_terragrunt_dir()} to the config_path attribute:

    dependency "vpc" {
    config_path = "${get_terragrunt_dir()}../../networking/vpc"
  4. For each variable in locals, check if the local variable is used in the configuration. If you find no references for the given local, remove it from the block.

At this point, you should have a Terragrunt configuration file in the _envcommon folder that only includes the configuration values that are common across all the environments. The next and final step of the process is to update the child configuration to import and merge the common configuration.

Step 4: Update child configurations

Now that you have a common configuration file, it is time to update the child configuration to point to the new common file. For each child Terragrunt configuration:

  1. Before making any changes, use the render-json command (terragrunt render-json --terragrunt-json-out original.terragrunt.hcl.json) to snapshot a copy of the current configuration with all the blocks and attributes rendered. The output of render-json is different from the one generated with hcl2json because it represents the effective Terragrunt configuration, with all expressions evaluated. We will use this to sanity check the refactored version.

  2. Remove all the blocks, attributes, and input keys you identified in Step 2: Identify common configurations.

  3. For each remaining variable in locals, check if the local variable is used in the configuration. If you find no references for the given local, remove it from the block.

  4. Add an include block to import the common configuration for the component. To do this, you will want to use the relative path from the root Terragrunt configuration:

    include "envcommon" {
    # Get to the root dir of the project by taking the directory of the root Terragrunt configuration found using
    # find_in_parent_folders().
    path = "${dirname(find_in_parent_folders())}_envcommon/networking/vpc.hcl"
  5. Update the root include block with a label, if it doesn’t have one. E.g., if you had:

    include {
    path = find_in_parent_folders()

    Add the label "root" to the block:

    include "root" {
    path = find_in_parent_folders()
  6. Sanity check the resulting Terragrunt configuration by regenerating the json output (terragrunt render-json --terragrunt-json-out updated.terragrunt.hcl.json). This should be semantically equivalent to the original snapshot you created. Use jd to verify that the json files are semantically equivalent.

  7. Run through a final sanity check of the resulting Terragrunt configuration by running terragrunt validate and terragrunt plan. There should be no differences resulting from configuration drift.

At this point, your child Terragrunt configuration should be significantly smaller, with the bulk of the logic being moved to the common component configuration.