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Using the Library

The Terraform modules in the Gruntwork Infrastructure as Code Library allow you to configure the provider and backend settings to suit your needs. This makes it possible to use Gruntwork modules alongside any existing modules you may have already developed, with minimal duplication of configuration.

In this guide, you will learn how to use a module from the Gruntwork Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Library to create an AWS Lambda function. You will also learn how to organize your IaC code to be able to support many deployments. The same steps can be followed when using a service, since both modules are services can be referenced in module blocks.


  • An AWS account with permissions to create the necessary resources
  • An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user or role with permissions to create AWS IAM roles, Lambda functions, and Cloudwatch Log Groups
  • AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) installed on your local machine
  • Terraform installed on your local machine
  • (Optional) Terragrunt installed on your local machine
  • (Optional — only required for testing) Go installed on your local machine

Create a module

In this section you’ll create a module that provisions an AWS Lambda Function using the terraform-aws-lambda Gruntwork module. This module automatically creates the AWS IAM role and Cloudwatch Log Group for the Lambda function. For more information about the configuration of the module, refer to the Library Reference.

Create the basic file structure

First, create the basic file structure that will contain the module reference. In this guide, you will create a module named serverless-api which contains the reference to the terraform-aws-lambda module. This enables you to define the module once and utilize it in many environments and regions.

In this guide, we will use example as the name of the environment. In a real-world environment, this might be dev, staging, production, or any other name.

For Terraform, create two paths — one which will contain the reference to the terraform-aws-lambda module and one which will contain a reference to the local module (aka "wrapper module").

mkdir -p gw_module_guide/serverless-api/lambda
touch gw_module_guide/serverless-api/lambda/
touch gw_module_guide/serverless-api/lambda/

mkdir -p gw_module_guide/example/<YOUR_REGION>
touch gw_module_guide/example/<YOUR_REGION>/

mkdir -p gw_module_guide/example/<YOUR_REGION>/src
touch gw_module_guide/example/<YOUR_REGION>/src/

Create the reference to the Gruntwork module

Next, we'll create a reference to the Gruntwork module. One of the benefits of referencing modules this way is the ability to set defaults for your organization. As an example — the terraform-aws-lambda exposes many variables but in the module block below, we are hard coding the value run_in_vpc to be false. This will ensure that anyone consuming this module will only create AWS Lambda functions that are not in a VPC. For a full list of configuration options for this module, refer to the Library Reference.

Define a module block in gw_module_guide/serverless-api/lambda/ using the git url of the terraform-aws-lambda module for the source attribute.

module "lambda" {
source = ""

name =
runtime = var.runtime
source_path = var.source_path
handler = var.handler
run_in_vpc = false
timeout = 30
memory_size = 128

Next, add the variables to the file.

variable "name" {
type = string
description = "Name that will be used for the AWS Lambda function"

variable "runtime" {
type = string
description = "The runtime of the Lambda. Options include go, python, ruby, etc."

variable "source_path" {
type = string
description = "The path to the directory containing the source to be deployed to lambda"

variable "handler" {
type = string
description = "The name of the handler function that will be called as the entrypoint of the lambda"

Reference the module

Next, create the reference to the local module you just created. We recommend that you have separate references per environment and region. For example, if you were deploying this module to your development environment in the us-west-2 AWS region, you would create one reference. If you wanted to deploy to your development environment in the us-east-1 AWS region, you would create a separate reference. This allows you to granularly roll out changes across your environments and regions.

Create a module block that uses the path to the local module as the source attribute, supplying values for the required attributes of the module.

module "my_lambda" {
source = "../../serverless-api/lambda"

name = "gruntwork-lambda-module-guide"
runtime = "python3.9"
source_path = "${path.module}/src"
handler = "main.lambda_handler"

Next, copy the following python code which will be used as the entrypoint of the AWS Lambda function.

def lambda_handler(event, context):
return "Hello from Gruntwork!"

Plan and apply the module

Next, we’ll run a plan to see the resources that will be created, then an apply to create the resources in AWS.


For this guide, we’ll run terraform plan and terraform apply locally. We recommend running terraform plan and terraform apply in your CI system in response to PR created, PR sync, and merge events when collaborating on infrastructure as code with a team or organization. We purpose built Pipelines with this workflow in mind, refer to the Pipelines documentation to learn more.


Before you can run a plan or apply, you need to run an init, which performs a series of initialization steps to prepare the working directory for use with Terraform.

terraform init


Now that you have created a module and a reference that is specific to a single environment and AWS region, you can run a plan to see the infrastructure resources that will be provisioned by the module.

Terraform will generate an execution plan using the plan action. The plan will show what resources Terraform determines need to be created or modified.

In your plan output, you should expect to see an AWS Lambda function, IAM role, and Cloudwatch Log group.

terraform plan


After running a plan and confirming that all expected resources show that they will be provisioned in the plan, run an apply to create the resources.

Terraform will create resources when using the apply action. Like with the plan action, Terraform will determine which resources need to be created or modified. You should expect to see the same resources to be created when running apply that are shown when running plan.

terraform apply

Testing (Terraform only)

Now that you have a module defined, you can write a test to programmatically confirm that it creates the desired resources. This is particularly helpful when developing modules to ensure that your changes will not break existing functionality.

To simplify writing tests for infrastructure as code, Gruntwork developed Terratest. Terratest allows you to write tests in Go with built-in functionality to deploy, validate, and undeploy infrastructure. All Gruntwork modules are tested using Terratest as part of the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

Create the basic file structure

First, create the basic file structure required to write tests. We recommend putting all tests in the test directory in your repository.

mkdir -p gw_module_guide/test
touch gw_module_guide/test/lambda_test.go

mkdir -p gw_module_guide/test/src
touch gw_module_guide/test/src/

Copy the following Python function, which will be used as the entrypoint for the Lambda function created during the test.

def lambda_handler(event, context):
return "Hello from Gruntwork!"

Install dependencies

Next, initialize the go module and install terratest as a dependency.

cd gw_module_guide/test
go mod init<YOUR GITHUB USERNAME>/gw_module_guide
go get
go get
go get
go mod tidy

Write the test

Next, we’ll write the test. Specify a single test called TestLambdaCreated that provisions an AWS Lambda function, confirms it is created, then destroys the Lambda function. We’ll use some of the built-in functionality in Terratest to generate random values and set variables that will be passed into Terraform.

package test

import (


awsSDK ""

func TestLambdaCreated(t *testing.T) {
// Run this test in parallel with all the others

// Unique ID to namespace resources
uniqueId := random.UniqueId()
// Generate a unique name for each Lambda so any tests running in parallel don't clash
lambdaName := fmt.Sprintf("test-lambda-%s", uniqueId)

// Get the cwd so we can point to the lambda handler
path, err := os.Getwd()

if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unable to retrieve working directory, received error %s", err)

srcPath := path + "/src"

terraformOptions := &terraform.Options{
// Where the Terraform code is located
TerraformDir: "../serverless-api/lambda/",

// Variables to pass to the Terraform code
Vars: map[string]interface{}{
"name": lambdaName,
"runtime": "python3.9",
"handler": "main.lambda_handler",
"source_path": srcPath,

// Run 'terraform destroy' at the end of the test to clean up
defer terraform.Destroy(t, terraformOptions)

// Run 'terraform init' and 'terraform apply' to deploy the module
terraform.InitAndApply(t, terraformOptions)

// Create a lambda client so we can retrieve the function
lambdaClient := aws.NewLambdaClient(t, "us-west-2")
function, _ := lambdaClient.GetFunction(&lambda.GetFunctionInput{
FunctionName: &lambdaName,

// Assert the function name is equal to what we set
assert.Equal(t, lambdaName, awsSDK.StringValue(function.Configuration.FunctionName))

In this test, we first generate data so that the test run creates resources with unique names. Next, we create the Terraform options, which indicate the folder in which the Terraform module we want to test is located and sets the values that will be passed in for variables. Then, we set up a terraform destroy operation, which will always run regardless of the test status. Then, we run terraform init and terraform apply to create the resources. Finally, we validate that the name of the AWS Lambda function that was created matches the expected name.

Run the test

Finally, run the test you wrote. From the test directory, run the following command:

go test -v

You should expect to see --- PASS: TestLambdaCreated in the final log lines of the output from the test.

What’s next

Now that you’ve used a Gruntwork module to provision resources, consider how you would need to expand this usage to make the Lambda function available via a URL using an AWS API Gateway HTTP API. We refer to combining multiple modules into a single deliverable module as a service.

Finally, consider how else you might test your module. Are there additional success or failure cases you would want to add? To learn more about testing using Terratest, refer to the official document.